The Pelasgian Eurynome Myth

Eurynome was easily the most important Goddess of Pelasgian myth. She was the Great Goddess, Mother, Creatrix, Ruler, called the Goddess of All Things. Eurynome was born from Chaos, and her first work was to separate the water from the sky. When she had accomplished this, she began to dance across the water. It was… Continue reading The Pelasgian Eurynome Myth

12 Apostle Names – 12 Zodiac Signs – 12 Tribes of Y’Israel

Peter: A rock or stone (Sign of Aries, Tribe of Zebulon)Simon: That hears; that obeys (Sign of Taurus, Tribe of Joseph)James: Same as ‘Jacob’ – that supplants, undermines, the heel (Sign of Gemini, Tribe of Benjamin)Andrew: A strong man (Sign of Cancer, Tribe of Issachar)John: The grace or mercy of the LORD (Sign of Leo, Tribe of Judah)Philip: Warlike, a lover of horses (Sign of Virgo, Tribe… Continue reading 12 Apostle Names – 12 Zodiac Signs – 12 Tribes of Y’Israel

Nazarenes Qumran and the Essenes

INTRODUCTIONThe modern efforts to restore New Testament understanding to its Nazarene Jewish origins has often focused onparallels with Rabbinic Judaism (which descends from Pharisaic Judaism). There is much to be said for suchparallels and I do not oppose these comparisons. However many of the Nazarene movement have neglected thevery significant parallels between the New Testament,… Continue reading Nazarenes Qumran and the Essenes